APEC 2024 Announces Call for Professional Education Seminar Proposals
APEC 2024, to be held in Long Beach, California, February 25-29, 2024, invites qualified experts to present a Professional Education Seminar during next year’s conference. Addressing issues of immediate and long-term interest to the practicing power electronics engineer, these seminars provide experts and professionals with a forum for in-depth discussions on important and complex power electronics topics. The online portal for submitting a Professional Education Seminar proposal is now open. The submission deadline is August 27, 2023, which is earlier than in past years since APEC 2024 will take place in February rather than in March.
“The goal of our Professional Education Seminars is to educate and update power electronics professionals, students and those in related fields by combining practical application with theory,” said Aung Thet Tu, APEC Seminar co-chair. “Held on the Sunday and Monday at the start of the conference, these popular seminars are a great way to learn about and to discuss power electronics topics at a relaxed pace. Make sure to submit your proposal in time,” he advised. “This annual event is typically held in March, but APEC 2024 will be in February—so all submission deadlines are about one month earlier than usual.”
Laszlo Balogh, APEC Seminar co-chair, added: “Topics for Professional Education Seminars range from introductory to more advanced technical levels. Proposals should include a detailed outline including the estimated time for each major sub-topic. Each proposal should be suitably in-depth and comprehensive for three-plus hours of presentation time.”
Professional Educations Seminars are a vital component of APEC. The committee strives to select a diverse group of industry and academic experts to present them. The following power electronics topic areas are welcome for consideration:
- Power Systems: AC-DC Power Supplies; DC-DC Converters; Inverters; Power System Architectures; Lighting Power Systems; Renewable/Alternative Energy; Aerospace/Defense Systems; Automotive/Traction Applications; Telecom Power Systems; Uninterruptible Power Supplies
- Components: Capacitor Technologies; ICs for Power Electronics; Magnetics; Power Semiconductors
- Design: Control of Converters & Systems; Digital Control and Management; EMI and EMC Issues; Energy Harvesting; High-Efficiency Designs; Machine Control; Modeling and Analysis; Power Conversion Fundamentals; Power Factor Correction; Protection of Converters and Systems; Safety and EMI/EMC Compliance; Simulation Tools and Techniques; Soft-Switching Techniques; Thermal Management
- Manufacturing: Design for Manufacturability; High-Density Packaging; Manufacturing Processes; Standardizing Specifications; Technology Transfer
- Business: Benchmarking Results; Identifying New and Emerging Markets; JIT and Material Management; Market Analysis and Strategies; Procurement and Qualification; Product and Technology Roadmaps; Quality/Reliability and Data; The Voice of the Customer
Click here for detailed instructions for submitting a proposal to present a Professional Education Seminar at APEC 2024.