Power Integrity

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Why You Need to Care About Both S and Z Parameters for PDN

I often get questions from my fellow design engineers from around the world asking why we should or should not use S parameters or Z parameters for power distribution network (PDN) designs or validation.  The truth is, we should be familiar with both, because depending on our design and validation tools, one or the other may be better suited for the task. Read on to find out why.

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Home Labs of the Stars

While many already had home lab setups for projects and exploring curiosities, the challenges of the global pandemic have driven many to ramp up their set ups and spend more time at their in-house benches. Over the years, Signal Integrity Journal has worked with many leading industry experts and stars in our field. Some have gamely agreed to play along with me and share images of their home labs. Enjoy the tour!

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Build Your Own Low-Cost Power Rail Probe

Probing signals with a bandwidth below 100 MHz and voltage sensitivity above 100 mV is a no-brainer. Regardless of the type of signal or the source impedance, the venerable 10x passive probe is the answer. However, at bandwidths >100 MHz and with voltage sensitivity <100 mV, the 10x passive probe may not be the best option. In this article, SIJ technical editor Eric Bogatin introduces an easy-to-implement, low-cost alternative to the 10x passive probe specifically for power-rail measurements.

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The Goldilocks TDR

It pains me to say this, but there is such a thing as turning the TDR up too high and it is also easy not to have enough. If there is a “too high,” and a “not high enough,” there must also be a “just‐right,” or Goldilocks, setting. Using measurements, and a smattering of math, the Goldilocks setting answers
will be clear. Read on to find out how.

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Current Distribution, Resistance, and Inductance in Power Connectors

Engineers who design and model power distribution networks require accurate component level models from high frequency down to DC.  Accurate modelling of power connectors can guarantee best power transfer and minimize power-induced noise.  In this paper, which won a DesignCon 2020 Best Paper Award, the authors analyze the frequency-dependent resistance and inductance of various power connectors as well as pin patterns.

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