UP Media Group Inc., announced the PCB East conference and exhibition will return to the Boston area in April 2022.
The three-day technical conference will take place April 11-13, 2022, in Marlborough, MA. The event includes a one-day exhibition on April 12.
“The pandemic may have postponed our plans for a year, but it won’t stop us from returning to Boston to serve the PCB industry’s need for expert training,” said Mike Buetow, editor in chief, PCD&F/CIRCUITS ASSEMBLY and conference director, PCB East. “We look forward to returning to face-to-face interaction. In the meantime, we want to remind design and manufacturing engineers about PCB West, taking place in October in Santa Clara, California.”
A call for presentations will be available shortly. Visit pcbeast.com for details.
PRINTED CIRCUIT DESIGN & FAB and CIRCUITS ASSEMBLY magazines are media partners for the event.
For more information about PCB East, visit pcbwest.com or contact Director of Group Shows, Alyson Corey at 678-234-9859; acorey@upmediagroup.com.