Signal Integrity Journal is the only peer-reviewed industry journal covering the SI, PI, and EMC/EMI markets.
SIJ publishes only the highest quality technical articles, tutorials and design tips that focus on fundamental or innovative solutions in signal integrity, power integrity, and EMC/EMI. SIJ aims to be a source of quality, unbiased, non-commercial technical information for engineers.
Editorial themes cover best design practices, new technology or material options, simulation and measurement tools, or application case studies. Download our Media Kit.
► A Technical Article should be between 1,000 and 3,000 words. The article can contain mathematical formulas, any derivations of which should be placed in appendices. Images (up to 8) can be pictures or illustrative graphics such as cutaways, schematics and graphs. All graphics should be high quality, high-resolution (300+ dpi) images in jpg format.
► Submit the text and illustrations separately (no pictures or graphs embedded in the text). The text should be a Word Document and each image must be an individual file. To clarify how the illustrations fit into the text reference all figures including captions.
►The article must be useful for practicing engineers. It should contain appropriate design information or rationale, pictures, graphics, simulations or measured data. Articles must be non-commercial in nature.
Review and Criteria:
► All articles undergo a review procedure by the Signal Integrity Journal Editorial Advisory Board. Authors are informed about the status of their papers as soon as possible. The review process typically takes 3-6 weeks. Publication times vary depending on the backlog of articles.
► Authors whose papers have been accepted for publication are asked to submit a head-and shoulder image and a short professional biography of each author.
If you are interested in submitting an article to Signal Integrity Journal, please email [email protected].