According to a recently published report from Dell’Oro Group, the trusted source for market information about the telecommunications, security, networks, and data center industries, Optical Transport equipment revenue in North America grew 14% in 2022, surpassing $4 billion. Among the large optical equipment suppliers, Fujitsu and Infinera stood out with revenue growth that far exceeded the market’s rate of growth.

“Demand for optical systems in North America continued to be robust, surpassing even my lofty expectations,” said Jimmy Yu, vice president at Dell’Oro Group. “The fourth quarter was particularly strong since many vendors received more component supply than expected, allowing for higher systems shipments. We believe this may possibly be a signal that component shortages are beginning to abate,” added Yu.

Additional highlights from the 4Q 2022 Optical Transport Quarterly Report:

  • Currency exchange rate continued to be a concern throughout 2022, lowering market results in many regions. On a constant currency basis, the worldwide Optical Transport market grew approximately 4% in the year and the total WDM market grew approximately 5%
  • The largest suppliers in North America were Ciena, Cisco, Fujitsu, and Infinera. Among these vendors, Fujitsu and Infinera sharply outperformed. Fujitsu’s optical equipment revenue grew 80% year-over-year and Infinera’s grew 38%
  • Internet content provider spending on WDM equipment rebounded in 4Q 2022 after an unexpected drop in the third quarter, contributing to the strong North American results in the fourth quarter.  

About the Report

The Dell’Oro Group Optical Transport Quarterly Report offers complete, in-depth coverage of the market with tables covering manufacturers’ revenue, average selling prices, and unit shipments. The report tracks DWDM long haul, WDM metro, multiservice multiplexers (SONET/SDH), optical switch, optical packet platforms, data center interconnect (metro and long haul), and disaggregated WDM.