If you find any of these videos of value, you will want to purchase this textbook to gain that fundamental understanding all engineers need to excel as designers.

Section 8.5: Quite Universal Circuit Simulator Download site

Here, you can download my favorite free high performance SPICE simulator, QUCS.

Chapter 8.8 Circuit files – AC transient simulation

Here, you can download a few circuit files to use with QUCS. These circuit files will allow you to simulate a TDR, just like a show in the videos.

QUCS & Simulation tutorial

Here, I get you started in building your first QUCS circuit and performing a simulation using the files you can download. 

Section 8.6: TR model comparison – measured vs ideal

I show you how you can compare the measured input impedance of a real transmission line and compare this to the simulated input impedance of an ideal transmission line.

Remember, all the details of the essential principles are described in the textbook. 

Section 8.8: Is a transmission line an inductor or a capacitor

This video explains why we can think of a transmission line as a capacitor or inductor at low frequency. This model breaks down at a frequency that depends on its length.

Section 8.10: How well can we model an ideal transmission line model with an LC model

An ideal transmission line model is NOT a collection of LC models. It is fundamentally different. This video shows why you should never model a transmission line as a collection of LC elements if you have an ideal transmission line model available.