The following are a collection of videos and downloads that are associated with the textbook, Bogatin's Practical Guide to Prototype Breadboard and PCB Design, published by Artech, in 2021. These videos and downloads are meant to go with the book but are here to give you a taste of the content in the book.
This textbook is the definitive guide to building your engineering understanding of the essential principles of designing prototype electronic circuits when interconnects are not transparent. This book is an introduction to the signal integrity principles behind switching noise which is the most important problem interconnects create. Learn how to engineer solderless breadboard and printed circuit board prototypes to reduce risk and increase your chance of success.
If you find any of these videos of value, you will want to purchase this textbook to gain that fundamental understanding all engineers need to excel as designers.
Here is a tour a commercial PCB fab and see how printed circuit boards are manufactured - page 55.
Here is Bogatin's Altium Live Keynote about signal integrity lives in the white space - page 57.
View this experiment illustrating how to measure ground bounce and how the layout influences the amount of cross talk - page 71.
Read this article about the myth of three capacitor values - page 79.
Read this editorial about what it takes to be a successful SI engineer - page 94.
A bandwidth rule of thumb example can be found here - page 97.
View this video about electrical short and long interconnects and how well simple lumped circuit elements match the behavior of interconnects, up to some bandwidth - page 98.
An online calculator for resistance, capacitance and loop inductance of the signal-return path conductors for four geometries can be found here - page 99.
Calculate the loop inductance of a signal-return path using this calculator - page 100.
A Wiki list of wire diameters for different gauges can be found here - page 101.
View this experiment about how much cross talk there is between long floppy loops when probing circuit boards - page 105.