The Electronic Design Innovation Conference and Exhibition (EDI CON) USA, the first industry event to bring together RF/microwave and high-speed digital design engineers and system integrators, announced that IBIS Open Forum will hold its first, formal IBIS Summit Meeting at EDI CON USA 2017 at the Hynes Convention Center, September 11-13 in Boston, Mass.
IBIS summits are intended to promote exchanges of ideas and methods among users and developers of IBIS models and associated tools in Europe. “The IBIS standards and specifications are used in the development of nearly all digital electronic devices,” said Mike LaBonte, IBIS Forum Chair. “Since 1993, 74 IBIS Summit meetings have been held worldwide by the IBIS Open Forum to continue the technical discussions that help IBIS models keep pace with new high-speed digital signaling technologies. We welcome the opportunity to meet with the many system designers, silicon vendors and EDA vendors who use, produce and simulate IBIS models, at EDI CON in Boston this year.”
People involved in IBIS Model development, EDA tool development, and digital circuit design are invited to participate. To participate, send your name, email and company name to Lance Wang at [email protected]. Deadline to submit your interest is September 6.
IBS Open Forum is seeking presentations from individuals who have IBIS experience or issues. Suggested subjects of interest include: IBIS model development, company IBIS standards and requirements, generating and validating IBIS models, future IBIS developments and requirements (e.g., IBIS-AMI), modeling of dedicated technology issues (e.g., connectors, and very high-speed interfaces), EMC/EMI and power integrity issues, related modeling issues (e.g., SPICE, S-parameter modeling) and experiences using IBIS in the PCB design process. To present, send your name, email, company name, presentation title and time required to Bob Ross at [email protected]. Deadline to submit your information is August 30. Presentations will be reviewed by the IBIS Open Forum Board for appropriateness before being accepted. The IBS Summit at EDI CON USA is free and open to everyone (EDI CON EXPO pass or conference pass required) and will be held Wednesday, September 13, from 13:00-17:00, room 104 at the Hynes Convention Center. The agenda includes presentations, discussions, breaks and refreshments. A complete agenda will be posted one week prior to the event to members.
EDI CON USA 2017 is supported by its primary media sponsors, Microwave Journal and Signal Integrity Journal. More information, including how to register for EDI CON USA 2017, is available at For future planning, EDI CON USA 2018 will be held at the Santa Clara Convention Center (Santa Clara, Calif.) on October 17-18, 2018.