Company Profile


Altium has over 30 years of continuous R&D in PCB design. We have a strong track record in engineering development and engineering excellence.

Contact Information:

Toll Free: +1 858-864-1500
Fax: +1 858-864-1710


4225 Executive Square
Level 7
La Jolla CA 92037
United States

Altium Designer 22

Release of Altium Designer 22, which includes added features to help designers source component availability, enhanced capabilities that reduce manual design tasks, along with advanced real-time lifecycle management tools used in conjunction with Altium 365.

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PCB Design Software: Altium Designer 20

Altium launched the next version of its PCB design software: Altium Designer 20. Spanning more than two decades of electronic design, Altium Designer 20 aims to improve the design experience with a faster schematic editor, high-speed design and enhanced interactive router capabilities enabling faster board design.

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