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Life Beyond 6 Gbps: How to Predict PCB Interconnect Behavior at the Microwave Frequency Bandwidth


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10/31/19 11:00 am to 12:00 pm EST

Event Description

Signal Integrity Webinar Series

Title:  Life Beyond 6 Gbps: How to Predict PCB Interconnect Behavior at the Microwave Frequency Bandwidth

Date:  October 31, 2019

Time:  8am PT/ 11am ET

Presented By:  Yuriy Shlepnev, Simberian Inc.

Sponsored by:  Rohde & Schwarz NA


Design of predictable PCB/packaging interconnects operating at 6-112 Gbps is progressively challenging. Such interconnects operate at the microwave frequency bandwidth and, in general, should be designed with heavy use of electromagnetic analysis and microwave theory.  Design flows and practices adopted at lower data rates may lead to frustrating failures, time-consuming and costly re-spins and signal integrity problems troubleshooting. Can we achieve the first pass design success and what does it take to do it? What signal degradation factors have to be accurately predicted and at which data rate they become important? This webinar is just an introduction into the broad subject of microwave signal integrity. It is an overview of the most important elements and design flow steps necessary to design predictable PCB interconnects with high confidence.

Who should attend:

Designers of PCB interconnects operating at 6-112 Gbps. Signal Integrity engineers and engineering managers interested in deep understanding of how interconnects work.

Presenter Bio:

Yuriy Shlepnev is President and Founder of Simberian Inc., where he develops Simbeor electromagnetic signal integrity software. He received M.S. degree in radio engineering from Novosibirsk State Technical University in 1983, and the Ph.D. degree in computational electromagnetics from Siberian State University of Telecommunications and Informatics in 1990. He was principal developer of electromagnetic simulator for Eagleware Corporation and leading developer of electromagnetic software for simulation of signal and power distribution networks at Mentor Graphics. The results of his research are published in multiple papers and conference proceedings.

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