Signal Integrity Journal Webinar Series
Title: Crosstalk in PAM4 Systems
Date: January 12, 2021
Time: 8am PT/ 11am ET
Presented By: Ransom Stephens, Signal Integrity Sage, Ransom's Notes
Sponsored by: Rohde & Schwarz NA
The transition from NRZ to PAM4 takes us from jitter-limited to noise-limited signaling and crosstalk is the most insidious noise of all. This webinar puts you front and center in the battle between aggressors and victims! We’ll start with crosstalk physics, PSXT, NEXT and FEXT, move to techniques for predicting crosstalk from channel designs, and then dive into high-rate approaches to crosstalk analysis: ICR, IXT and IMR, ICN, right up to the big daddy, COM—we might even invent an all new acronym and not tell anyone what it stands for.
Who should attend:
Design, R&D, and test Engineers, as well as scientists and technicians who are interested in high speed serial data transmission including serdes, interconnects, circuits, and systems.
Presenter Bio:
Ransom Stephens, Ph.D., helps engineers advance to the highest data rates by teaching the concepts engineers need to design better systems, better serdes, and better ways to find problems and come up with solutions. Ransom started in basic research at labs in the US and Europe specializing in digging weak signals out of strong backgrounds. Since 2005, when he started Ransom’s Notes, his seminars have helped thousands of EEs understand key nuances of their work. He is also an accomplished book author, publishing the novels The God Patent and The Sensory Deception as well as nonfiction popular science, The Left Brain Speaks the Right Brain Laughs. Ransom holds a Ph.D. in physics from the University of California.
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