Items Tagged with 'TDR'


Avoiding GIGO 3-14-23.jpg

Avoiding GIGO with Field Solvers

In this article, Bert Simonovich explores how to avoid “garbage in, garbage out” with field solvers by building an understanding of the nuances of PCB fabrication processes, the interpretation manufacturers’ data sheets, and the tool’s user interface.

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The Goldilocks TDR

It pains me to say this, but there is such a thing as turning the TDR up too high and it is also easy not to have enough. If there is a “too high,” and a “not high enough,” there must also be a “just‐right,” or Goldilocks, setting. Using measurements, and a smattering of math, the Goldilocks setting answers
will be clear. Read on to find out how.

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Return Current Transition Between Planes

Return current for a signal always finds a way to flow as close to the signal as possible, thus minimizing the magnetic energy stored in the loop defined by the signal and its return path. So, the return current path is the combination of conduction paths that together minimize the stored magnetic energy. Some elements of the return current path may be part of the design and other elements may be unintentional.

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