Jason Ellison

Jason J Ellison received his Masters of Science in Electrical Engineering from Penn State University in December 2017. He is employed as a signal integrity engineer and develops high-speed interconnects, lab automation technology, and calibration technology. His interests are signal integrity, power integrity and embedded system design. He also writes technical publications for journals such as “The Signal Integrity Journal.” Mr. Ellison is an active IEEE member and a DesignCon technical program committee member.


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112 G for Quickest Data Transfer

Data usage is increasing every year, and the communications industry is working diligently to support the increased demand. This article discusses why we need more data, what data center physical layer architecture changes are needed to support higher data rates, and how connector manufacturers are improving designs to support higher data rate systems.

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IEEE P370: A Fixture Design and Data Quality Metric Standard for Interconnects up to 50 GHz

The fixtures used to characterize interconnects in complex systems can have a significant effect on the measured data, read on to get the background and perspective on IEEE P370. Check out this Outstanding Paper Award Winner from EDI CON USA 2018.

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