Gunter Langer

Gunter Langer

Gunter Langer (Dipl.-Ing) is the managing director of Langer EMV-Technik GmbH. After studying electrical engineering at the Dresden University of Technology (TUD), he worked in the field of electronic control engineering. In 1992 he founded the Engineering Office “Ingenierbüro Gunter Langer” and six years later, in 1998, the Langer EMV-Technik  GmbH. Since 1995 he has specialized in research and development of test and measurement equipment for electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) of printed circuit boards (PCBs) and integrated circuits (ICs), EMC consulting for industrial R&D and experimental EMC seminars.


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How Do Magnetic Fields Penetrate Shielding Materials?

Characterization of Shielding Materials

This article is the first part of a trilogy that aims to introduce a new paradigm in the measurement of specific electromagnetic shielding materials, namely shielding materials made from woven conductive threads. These articles highlight the shortcomings of common methods in the evaluation of such materials and introduce new approach and methodology to measure them. This new paradigm emphasizes characterization of shielding materials based on magnetic field rather than electric field. The new method introduces a measurement setup and lumped element model intrinsic to the material and independent from the measurement method.

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