
Clarity™ 3D Transient Solver

Cadence Design Systems, Inc., expanded its system analysis product line with the introduction of the Cadence® Clarity 3D Transient Solver, a system-level simulation solution that solves electromagnetic interference (EMI) system design issues up to 10X faster than legacy 3D field solvers and offers unbounded capacity. 

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Cadence Celsius Thermal Solver

Cadence Design Systems, Inc. expanded its presence in the system analysis and design market with the introduction of the Cadence Celsius Thermal Solver, the first complete electrical-thermal co-simulation solution for the full hierarchy of electronic systems from ICs to physical enclosures.

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Sigrity Transistor-to-Behavioral Model Conversion (T2B)

Sigrity_T2BTo keep up with the rapid advances in high-speed interfaces, you need to be able to run accurate, full-bus simulations in hours, instead of days. By converting models from transistor to power-aware IBIS behavioral, Cadence® Sigrity™ Transistor-to-Behavioral Model Conversion (T2B™) can help you meet ever-shorter deadlines by avoiding time-consuming transistor-level simulation and inaccurate non-power-aware IBIS model simulation.

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Sigrity XtractIM Technology

Sigrity_XtractIMThe Cadence® Sigrity™ XtractIM™ tool provides a complete model extraction environment focused specifically on IC package applications. The tool generates electrical models of IC packages in IBIS or SPICE circuit netlist format. These concise parasitic models can be per pin/net RLC list, coupled matrices, or Pi/T SPICE sub-circuits.

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