Barry Katz

Barry Katz is a senior development manager at MathWorks®. He leads the teams responsible for products spanning RF (RF Toolbox™ and RF Blockset™), electromagnetic modeling (Antenna Toolbox™), signal integrity (SerDes ToolboxTM) and analog mixed-signal (Mixed-Signal Blockset™). He also serves as president and CTO of Signal Integrity Software (SiSoft) where he continues to oversee the business and leads the team responsible for the Quantum Channel Designer and Quantum-SI product families. Barry began his career at Digital Equipment Corporation as a senior software engineer where he developed signal integrity tools to support the design of the Alpha microprocessor. Throughout his career, much of his focus has been devoted to providing signal integrity solutions to problems faced by high-speed system designers. He was the founding chairman of the IBIS Quality Committee. Barry holds an MSECE degree from Carnegie Mellon and a BSEE degree from the University of Florida.


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Design for AMI: A New Integrated Workflow for Modeling 56G PAM4 SerDes Systems

In the future, the complexity of circuit implementation will increase dramatically and modeling of high-speed SerDes systems will continue to be a huge challenge. Modeling equalization circuit characteristics has become extremely important to ensure the success of the final platform implementation and provide a strong signal integrity design guide. This paper reviews the common challenges of converting an existing detailed architectural model to an IBIS-AMI model and some of the ways to address these challenges. It also includes an illustration of the workflow to model Intel’s 56G PAM4 SerDes.

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